After graduating in Economics, I worked in marketing and public relations, organising conferences and meetings for major multinationals
A passionate approach to my work has driven me to attend training courses in event management and to attain a
post-graduate masters degree.
Having worked alongside a few “starred” chefs in organising memorable events I developed the passion for wedding design and
for everything that revolves around the world of parties and ceremonies.
I have attended a number of Wedding and Event Planner courses and today, after having become a member of AWP -Wedding Planner Association,
I have founded Tocco di Classe with a precise mission: to turn every wedding and every event into something absolutely special, unique.
Someone once described me in these words:
“Donata is someone who can really stage an event. She designs and arranges every detail. She always comes up with the best solutions,
and adds that extra touch, which some might call experience but for her it is all about passion. All the wedding couple has to do is enjoy
the fun of an unforgettable party.”